PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Wikkelhouse, a recycled cardboard house for less than €12,000 When you’re a little too confident in the capabilities of your car This pinata party almost ended up in the emergency room Look who comes knocking at the door… a bear 2 very lucky bikers A lucky biker ends up on the roof of a car This cat wants to catch the fish… under the ice He transports 2 broken down cars in a somewhat risky way The beach, a place as risky as the highway. Wait for the end Stuck on a level crossing, a motorist chooses the worst moment to move forward A lucky biker ends up on the roof of a car deea 4800 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Un motard chanceux finit sur le toit d’une voiture (Visited 125 times, 1 visits today) bikerchuteconduirefailkarmamotardmoto You might be interested in This truck misses its reverse on the barge deea March 14, 2023 He wants to swim with a giant goliath grouper deea May 5, 2023 3 sea lions sunbathe on the float of this ship deea December 3, 2023 How To Draw Face Easy Beginner Proportion Tutorial deea December 16, 2023 Kungfu cop… a policeman in karate mode deea January 14, 2025 This biker got a free ride… not even bad deea May 25, 2024