PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS When a great white shark takes the bait… impressive A good hit in music is always created in the kitchen This avalanche is incredible… a real river of snow This soldier is a big lucky… bullet right above the head A profession for which vertigo is prohibited This fisherman catches the fish of his life… huge Lamborghini Revuelto When you hesitate between dancing and football What’s hiding in the holds of this boat is crazy Is this boat really sinking This fisherman catches the fish of his life… huge deea 4799 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Ce pêcheur attrape le poisson de sa vie… enorme (Visited 68,559 times, 53 visits today) animalanimal sauvagemonstrepechepecheurpoisson You might be interested in Bath time for these adorable rats… or not deea July 19, 2023 Moving on a low budget deea March 11, 2023 Their Tyrolean arrival is not really mastered deea April 24, 2024 A great white shark comes to devour the tail of another shark before the eyes of fishermen deea November 4, 2023 Bora Bora… The most heavenly place in the world deea January 10, 2023 Best of Fails Cars on Roads deea January 23, 2024
A great white shark comes to devour the tail of another shark before the eyes of fishermen deea November 4, 2023