PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Pulling a boat with your body He has a new drone… but doesn’t know how to use it A little drink break in the middle of an argument for these 2 dogs A risky and failed dive from the top of a tree BASE jumping on a flying carpet Un chat prend le taxi… ou presque Nap in the front of a truck, this cat looks so good! The nice gesture of this trucker… big congratulations When you don’t control your motorcycle at all This motorcycle is going away by itself and the rider can’t stop it Un chat prend le taxi… ou presque deea 4801 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 60 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in Elle se souivendra longtemps de son tour de manège deea December 5, 2023 Sometimes it’s better to carry than to be carried… painful fall deea January 3, 2023 The Grinch 2018 Full Movie deea December 24, 2023 Terrible motorcycle crash at more than 160km / h – Wheelie missed on the highway deea April 13, 2023 This fish imitates a child and makes faces at him deea September 26, 2023 This biker wanted to be the star of the film… won deea November 29, 2023