PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Road Rage Idiot Gets Instant Karma Helicopter Rescues Another Helicopter They play a brilliant prank on a sleeping grandpa in a bar She forgets the brake on her car… big mistake Angel Di Maria attacks an assistant referee, the video calls out Not sure if the air conditioning is properly installed When you’re in too much of a hurry to stop Poor scooter This drunk woman misses a step on her boat… splash He swims next to a huge whale shark… magnificent Not sure if the air conditioning is properly installed deea 4801 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Pas certain que la clim soit bien installée (Visited 31 times, 1 visits today) climfailfail climhumourinsoliterigolo You might be interested in She lights a fireworks display in her room… Bad idea deea May 9, 2023 Un peu de ski avec Candide Thovex deea January 18, 2024 He had a lot of luck… or a very solid skull deea February 9, 2023 Exploding fireworks in a tunnel… Risky deea November 29, 2023 A very helpful cat, always ready to help deea December 26, 2023 Cette fillette va avoir beaucoup de chance… Drame évité de justesse deea February 22, 2023