PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Un automobiliste pressé défonce le mur d’une propriété pour une raison très étrange They come across a madman who voluntarily rushes on their boat for revenge. Un petit serpent est coincé dans le toit de sa maison A veterinarian’s technique for expelling a toy stuck in a dog’s throat They propose to a bad driver to pass obstacles with a racing car Grandpa goes crazy driving his car This driver smashes the wall of a property for an incredible reason A hammer is dangerous for the legs Feed the sharks and splash… Fail When your dog doesn’t want to let you go… new mom Grandpa goes crazy driving his car deea 4797 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Un papy devient fou au volant de sa voiture (Visited 1,866 times, 1 visits today) conduirefailinsolitepapyvoiture You might be interested in When you play a bad joke on your dog deea May 9, 2024 Laser engraving on a pebble deea October 10, 2024 A very opportunistic scammer attempts an insurance scam deea May 30, 2023 Perfect The Dive deea October 6, 2024 Zap Koreus n°511 deea March 6, 2023 Ce crocodile défend férocement son nid deea September 2, 2023