PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Drift on a motorcycle: he gets thrown off in the turn This is why you should not swim in the Breede River in South Africa A fisherman rescues the great white shark that got caught on his hook in South Africa A great white shark flies more than 4 meters from the surface in South Africa The “surreal” attack of a great white shark filmed in Australia Diver comes face to face with largest white shark ever filmed When you wake up from a nightmare She looks beautiful by the water but it won’t last Look beautiful by the water… Fail Mbappé leaves prematurely against OM, his words are debated Diver comes face to face with largest white shark ever filmed deea 4801 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 73 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in This worker will have an incredible reflex to save his colleague deea March 30, 2023 A family of raccoons arrives in the middle of the municipal council deea January 23, 2023 From egg to large insect… incredible evolution deea September 23, 2023 Quand tu es pressé de rentrer chez toi deea March 10, 2024 This driver will have a very good reflex to avoid a pedestrian deea April 16, 2023 A short biker stops at a red light deea June 18, 2023